It must be used on the preparation of coloring and bleaching procedures, on the recommended amount.
EXTERNAL USE. Keep the product in a cool, dry place, away from light and heat. After using the product, make sure you closed it, as contact with the environment can decrease its efficiency. Strand Test: Mix a small amount of the product and apply in a thin hair strand on the top of the head, wait the recommended time (around 30 minutes) and wash the strand. If the hair gets weak or hot, it is not in condition for this product’s use.
TOUCH TEST: Prepare a little bit of the product like you were going to use it. Apply on the forearm or behind the ear and wait 30 minutes. Wash it and wait 24 hours, if during this period the skin where you applied it got irritated or is hurting in any other way, it is confirmed that the individual has a hyper sensibility to the product. Therefore, it shouldn’t be used.